I want to know on the windows operating system, what is the port number for the file sharing service?For example as you know the port number for HTTP service is 80. Canon Lbp 2900 Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit Free Download. Server Service: Firewall Status Monitor ID: Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.Service.SMB.FirewallPortConfig Description: This object monitors firewall inbound rules for File and Printer Sharing and generates an alert if either the rules are disabled or the corresponding TCP ports are blocked.

By default, file and printer sharing are disabled when using Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition (SEP SBE). To enable file and printer sharing, first create a copy of the default policy, make your configuration changes, and then apply the new policy to a group. See for more information.

Advanced configuration settings Certain environments require additional firewall rules to gain clear communication to network devices and file shares. These environments usually consist of more than one subnet, or have shared network devices connected directly to workstations. In these environments, create a new firewall rule with the following ports opened locally for both inbound and outbound traffic.

Server Service File And Printer Sharing Ports Blocked

• TCP 135 • UDP 137 • UDP 138 • TCP 139 • TCP 445 • UDP 5355 When connectivity issues persist If users in the group continue experiencing connectivity issues to network devices and shares, follow these steps within the policy assigned to the affected group. • Under Network Protection, check Report Blocked Events. • Test the connection several times. After a short period of time (sometimes up to 30 minutes), any blocked events will appear in the History tab for the affected computer. • In the report, in the Category column, look for Firewall Activities. • In the Activity column, click the link for the firewall activity. • Review which local ports and protocols are being blocked, and add them to the firewall rule you created earlier.

Hp Compaq Nc6120 Notebook Pc Audio Drivers on this page. • Under Program Control, and add any executable files recommended by the manufacturer of the shared network device.

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