Ioncube Php Encoder 7 Crack

Closed as off-topic by,,,, Dec 10 '14 at 6:43 This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam.

IonCube PHP Encoder v8.0 for PC and MAC cracked download. Contains everything you need to crack the. The ionCube PHP Encoder makes it easy.

Instead, and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Artjom B., Niels Castle, andrewsi, Shoe, nKn If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the, please. No amount of obfuscation will protect your files. If they are sufficiently popular, someone will decode them and distribute the versions that don't need IonCube or Zend to decode. DRM won't stop piracy, but it will get in the way of your paying customers. You'll limit your potential customer base to those that can run the loaders to decrypt your software, which is a much smaller pool of people than all people with PHP web hosting. You'll also vastly increase your customer support load as you help people install the loaders and troubleshoot why your software won't run.

Most importantly, by creating this extra work and frustration for customers, and by preventing them from customizing their copies of the script, you'll lower their happiness with your product. That will result in less referrals, less positive reviews on blogs and social media, and in the end, less sales for you. The best thing you can do to protect your files AND your sales is to not use DRM. Protect your business by offering incentives to be a legitimate customer, like technical support, free minor version upgrades, customer only discussion forums, etc. Hp Cpu Temperature Monitor Software.

Not only will these make it desirable to purchase the script from you instead of download it from a pirate without those benefits, but it'll make your customers happier and more likely to spread the word, leading to more customers. I do protect my intellectual property with ioncube. There is no reason why should I share this with others if I write software for living.

In some cases, yes, I can share the code, and for others - no, and here the ioncube helps (especially if you sell licensed copy installed on customer's server). Everything depends what you are doing.

I also disagree the idea that my customers can modify the code I wrote, simply because they are amateurs. If I deliver the app, I take the responsibility, if somebody modifies that code why should I care. – Jul 28 '13 at 8:58 •. For both zend and ioncube there are services that decode them, but these softwares latest versions are very expensive to decode like 125 euro for 25 files.

This is more than the price of script you don't need to worry much about it and can easily use either zend or ioncube (I use ioncube). Hp Scanjet G2410 Setup Software Free Download. @dan: I had a script that I was giving free support for life with a very low price and with a lot of features,guess what? Somebody stole the code and they spread it all over the internet after that all my customers started calling me about it,kinda were upset that they paid,even though they were getting support.

Long story short. Trust me encoding your script and forcing people to certain hosts is way way better than your script being shared on internet for free by some dorks. And about not loading on their hosts,I have made a file that test either ioncube is installed on the server or not,and I give this file to them before they buy my script to test it on their server. • It should be possible to properly encode your php & js files, by having all the symbols converted to nonsense symbols, by removing all comments, and by changing filenames. I don't believe that the encryption software in this area is measured by it's cryptographical properties, but rather by it's deployment properties (i.e. 1-click deployment etc.) • This is something that almost all serious internet companies do.

Try 'View Source' in GMAIL, and tell me if something there is readable to you. • @Dan: There are a lot of models to make money, the 'software-support' model is only one of them.

For example, I would like to set up an internet company, and I don't like the thought that the hosting company can look and copy my source code.

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