Hp Data Protector Express Keygen more. Literature And Composition Jago Pdf Printer more. Jul 28, 2012  You can go tune the HP tune repository and see some of the tunes uploaded there. It will cost you 2 more credits to use someones tune if you try to straight load it into your ECM. However you can down load a tune for free then copy&paste the parts you like into your tune, no credit cost (free). 1) Get tune from Bin file repository or somewhere. Copy out of someone with same year car as you if you like. 2) Upload file just as though you would any other file.

Here is some info help you guys get started tuning with HPTuners. Credit to ozorowski, Keith from HPT, and WS6snake-eater from HPtuners bulletin board for compiling this basic info. DISABLE ALL TORQUE MANAGEMENT Your a hardcore racer now why do you need a computer to tell you how much power you can have. Epson Stylus T10 Software Driver Free Downloads.

1: Open your editor, go to Edit>Transmission>Torque Management. 2: Set Abuse Mode Enable False 3: Set Abuse Mode RPM, Abuse Mode TPS and Abuse Mode Speed to 0 4: click over on Abuse Mode Torque Reduction vs RPM. I am referring to An A4 camaro SS here so dunno about anyone else. Set all values in Normal to 0.

5: You should now have NO TORQUE MANAGEMENT. 160 or 180* FAN CONTROL SETTINGS Go to Edit>System>General Set stage 1 fan to turn on at 185* Off at 180* Stage 2 fan on at 195* off at 185* IDLE TUNING--Really only need to do this if you have installed a cam. Special thanks goes out to WS7 on Ls1tuning.com Idle Limiters -->Go to Edit -->Engine -->IDLE -->IDLE RPM -->Target Idle speed VS ECT Idle Speed: 950--Start at 950 to get car to idle, then lower 25 rpm at a time until you get idle you like that will keep car running. General rule of thumb, keep anything with AC 50rpm higher than your AC OFF.

Go to Edit -->Engine -->IDLE -->IDLE AIRFLOW -->Synaptics Touchpad Driver Hp Elitebook 8460p. IAC Park Position Airflow vs. IAT: Raise all points from -40C and up to 21 Go to Edit -->Engine -->IDLE -->IDLE AIRFLOW -->Idle Airflow vs. ECT: Idle Air In Gear: All points 68C and up to 8.6 (Mine are at 9.6). This menu RIGHT HERE is the key to idle. Go to Edit -->Engine -->Airflow-->General -->Primary VE vs.

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