Arabian Love Poems Nizar Qabbani

Nizar Qabbani died in London of a heart attack at the age of 75. Nizar Qabani. Damascus in 1944. Arabian Love Poems.

Abstract Nizarre Qabbani, the modern Arabic poet, has evoked a firestorm of controversy. Some consider him a stunning feminist poet, while others consider him an abysmal anti-feminist erotic one.

This study allows his literary works to speak up loud, statistically revealing the dominant genre of his original work and his translated work. This enables the reader to evaluate objectively the original ideology of the poet and the rendered ideology of the translators. A corpus of Qabbani’s complete works is created; the keywords and their concordance are processed automatically and are reviewed manually. A lexicon of his poetic images and symbols is created to focus the light on his filtered-version poems that appeared in the Arabic media. Basic findings are tabulated and compared to the findings of his translated works in order to judge the objectiveness versus subjectiveness and the representativeness versus selectiveness of the translated works. Wax شمع Your body is fully blossoming; جسمك في تفتيحه الأروع So, dip into the wax, my finger, فانغرسي في الشمع يا إصبعي In a forest whose scent is paining; في غابةٍ ، أريجها موجعٌ Its almond bud, moreover, pains more..ولوزها. أكثر من موجع Eat many suns and start stars chewing..كلي شموساً.

وامضغي أنجما Satisfy not! Who are you therefore!.لا تقنعي ، من أنت إن تقنعي Let the fall from such lazy nipple go ولقطي الغروب عن حلمةٍ Where nothing except roses can grow. كسلى ، بغير الورد لم تزرع She yielded well, on my stimulus جادت وجادت ، حين شجعتها While coming down, I did not find my ribs. لم أجد أضلعي. Understanding How Components Fail Wulpi Pdf Printer more. Why do you care about my entity?

ماذا يهمك من أكون؟ To be a cloud or a book or a stone,.حجرٌ. غيمةٌ Why do you care about my entity?.ماذا يهمك من أكون؟ Live within my beautiful illusion;.خليك في وهمي الجميل You’ll be vanished, then, by certainty.فسوف يقتلك اليقين Why do you worry with getting me known?

ماذا يهمك من أنا؟ As potent as I plough like a horse, ما دمت أحرث كالحصان Nocturnally, on the large sleeping bed على السرير الواسع As long as I seed under your skin hence, ما دمت أزرع تحت جلدك Of wonderful babies, a myriad. Healthpointe 2 0 Program Pro more. ألف طفلٍ رائع As long as I pour down within your bay ما دمت أسكب في خليجك My raging tempests and all my foams!. Hp Recovery Media Creator Windows 8 Download. رغوتي وزوابعي What is the matter of my thinking way? ما شأن أفكاري؟ Let’ em aside!

I often think by my fingers. دعيها جانباً. إني أفكر عادةً بأصابعي. I commit the high treason أرتكب الخيانة العظمي التي Which is so-called poetry يقال عنها: الشعر I take shapes off their outline أنتزع الأشكال من أشكالها I dash things off their entry أزعزع الأشياء من مكانها I plunge my knife through age chest أزرع سكيني بصدر العصر. I make love on my way; yet أمارس العشق على طريقتي It is covert not overt في الجهر، لا في السر Under the rain I do it أفعله تحت المطر Under trees, I pursue it أفعله تحت الشجر I practice it on a stone أفعله على حجر. With all the red lines broken مخترقاً كل الخطوط الحمر.

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